Stress is a tricky thing that we all deal with, especially during this time of year. There’s the hustle-bustle of the holiday season, then the stresses that the new year brings. During the holiday season, we struggle to get the family together and have a good time. We stress about these things more then we should. Then, once it’s over, there’s a vast, empty void. We try to fill that void with creating resolutions for the new year. However, we get so caught up in creating resolutions that we will ultimately forget about by the middle of the month. All of this is to say that stress is something we all deal with. By practicing better and healthier methods, we could probably reduce some of our stress. We can’t take away all of it, though. This is why we must learn to channel it into something better. Studies have come out that say that stress can actually be beneficial to us. Read on to learn more. 

Are there hidden benefits to stress? Studies say…yes!

A stress study done by the University of Wisconsin based on survey data found that the respondents who reported high levels of stress but didn’t believe this stress was harmful “had the lowest risk of dying of any group in the study — even lower than those who said they had very little stress,” says health psychologist and author, Kelly McGonigal. 

Stress, studies have found, can also strengthen the immune system. The University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine has done studies on the benefits and drawbacks of stress on the immune system. “Within 15 minutes of a stressful event, the body mobilizes pathogen-fighting cells in the bloodstream, which then fan out through the body to help it mount a more robust immune response,” they tell Prevention Magazine. Firdaus Dhabhar, a professor at the University of Miami, says that “The type of immune response that could help you fight a cold or infection is enhanced by short-term stress.” 

Lastly, stress releases a hormone that “enhances empathy and strengthens social bonds.” Thus, “it makes people want to reach out to others for help,” says Steven Southwick, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University. Stress can also help people “bounce back” from traumas, he says. 

Short-term stress has been proven to be helpful for those dealing with it. However, long-term stress still does have harmful repercussions. If your stress is long-term and you need an extra layer of support, Pinnacle Recovery is here for you. Call now at 1-866-301-0573 for more information about how our programs can help you. We can’t wait to hear from you.